Chronic Conditions 3rd December 2021

Brittle bones, unbreakable spirit

Sam Renke has been challenging misconceptions about disability since she was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), or brittle bone condition, shortly after her birth. “I was born with multiple fractures and I actually fractured in ...

by Karen Finn

Chronic Conditions 15th July 2021

Embracing life after Hepatitis C

Karen Hoyt had no idea that there was anything wrong with her liver when her feet started swelling one day while she was riding her bike. A high school teacher, adjunct professor and community volunteer with many active hobbies, Karen ...

by Comms Team

Chronic Conditions 7th July 2021

Freedom with Type 1 Diabetes

Khadija Stewart-Brown accepted daily insulin injections and finger-prick tests as part of normal life, but then she reached her teens. “I saw the difference between me and my peers and it got annoying,” she says. Khadija has always had to ...

by Comms Team

Chronic Conditions 17th May 2021

Keeping an eye on your blood pressure

At 43, health researcher Nicola McMeekin was blissfully unaware of her hypertension until she had a life-threatening heart injury. “There was no warning. I was sitting at my desk writing an email when I suddenly had pains in my chest, down ...

by Karen Finn

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