Chronic Conditions 9th July 2019

The comfort of recovering at home

After being hooked up to an antibiotics drip in hospital for three weeks, David John Watson had had enough. However, the life-threatening blood poisoning that he’d developed meant another few weeks of intravenous (IV) antibiotic treatment was necessary. It ...

by Comms Team

Chronic Conditions 10th May 2019

Life with Lupus…on your own terms

Kim Opszala thought her eczema had returned when a rash appeared on her face, but it was a disease called lupus. She’d been travelling around Australia before starting university in 2005/06 and upon her return Kim noticed the butterfly-shaped rash ...

by Karen Finn

Chronic Conditions 28th February 2019

Living with a rare disease

Gunnar Esiason just celebrated a major milestone: his good health. When you have cystic fibrosis (CF) – a rare genetic disease that creates a build-up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive system and other organs that can lead to ...

by Karen Finn

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